Human/Wildlife Conflicts

• Solutions for Human/Wildlife Conflicts
• Humane Wildlife Conflict Resolution Guide
• Protect Our Wildlife Teams up with Town of Marlboro to Protect Wetlands, Roads, Beavers, and Wildlife Watching Opportunities Read more
• POW Launches New Campaign Aimed at Municipalities: urges towns to seek humane solutions to wildlife conflicts. Read about it at VT Digger here.
• Our brochure Living with Wildlife helps you find 21st century solutions for human/ wildlife conflicts.
• Protect Our Wildlife's Humane Solutions to Beaver Conflicts – please share with your town officials!
• Got Chickens? Got predators. No Problem! Our new flyer has lots of humane ideas for protecting your chickens from predators.
Learning how to live harmoniously with wildlife is not only in the animals’ best interest but ours as well. Whether the problem is a squirrel in your attic or a woodchuck feasting on your garden, there are humane solutions that don’t involve lethal trapping and killing of the animal. There are many simple solutions to common wildlife conflicts, including removal of bird feeders each spring, garden fencing, and wildlife proofing chimneys and attics. Remember that if an animal is killed or relocated, babies may be left behind and will ultimately perish from starvation, predation, hypothermia, etc., without their mother.
Remember that if an animal is killed or relocated, babies may be left behind and will ultimately perish from starvation, predation, hypothermia, etc., without their mother.
The killing of wildlife in defense of property under title 10 §4828 is unregulated in Vermont--countless beavers, foxes, raccoons, and others animals are trapped and killed each year when humane solutions exist. The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department has little to no data on animals killed in defense of property or how many animals are orphaned. If you are hiring a nuisance wildlife control operator, be aware that they don't have to be licensed in Vermont and many of them employ cruel methods of killing, including drowning. You can learn more about "nuisance" wildlife trapping here.
Check out these links for more information on resolution of human/wildlife conflicts:
Did you know that coyotes can get over fences six feet tall or shorter? For fences at least six feet tall, the Coyote Roller (available from Roll Guard, 619-977-6031 or here) is an effective device for keeping dogs in and coyotes out. The Coyote Roller is a free-standing cylinder that attaches to the top of a fence and literally “rolls” any animal off who is attempting to climb over.
Defenders of Wildlife – Living With Wildlife
HSUS – Solving Problems with Wildlife
Heart Wildlife Removal –Humane Eviction & Removal Team
MSPCA’s Intruder Excluder – identify the animal, prepare, and solve the problem
Non Lethal Solutions to Beaver Damage:
If beavers are felling trees, you can either wrap the base of the tree with wire mesh or apply paint mixed with sand and brush over the base of the trunk. Apparently beavers can’t stand the stuff and avoid it, leaving the tree to go on growing!
Wetlands, Beavers and Flood Resilience! Information Courtesy of Conservation Commission of the Town of Halifax
Project Coyote – promote coexistence with predators
Read POW's letter to the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department, which addresses the inhumane treatment of wildlife that is deemed a "nuisance".
News Release | Protect Our Wildlife
July 11, 2018
Contact & Media Inquiries
Brenna Galdenzi, President | p: 802-768-9862
Protect Our Wildlife Teams up with Town of Marlboro to Protect Wetlands, Roads, Beavers, and Wildlife Watching Opportunities
Marlboro, Vt - Protect Our Wildlife (POW), a Vermont-based wildlife protection organization, partnered with the Town of Marlboro to help prevent beaver-related flooding and subsequent road damage. In 2017, POW launched a statewide Living With Wildlife program to help towns pursue nonlethal methods to address human-wildlife conflicts. With grant funding from LUSH Cosmetics, POW is providing financial support to install three culvert protective water flow devices, called Beaver Deceivers™, on Grant Road in Marlboro. This site is one of three that the town will have protected with such devices to save the wetlands and maintain these rich ecosystems for beavers and many other species of wildlife.
The other devices are located on Adam’s Crossroad and on North Pond Road. Patti Smith, from Marlboro’s Selectboard, states, "This funding served as a catalyst to address problem culverts in a way that protects two of our town's important assets: roads and wetlands. It is wonderful to stop at the Adams Crossroad and Grant Road sites and watch the beavers and other wildlife that now have a secure home." By installing these water flow devices to protect road culverts, the Town of Marlboro has shown that they value wildlife and habitat, as well as taxpayer dollars. “Flow devices are the most efficient and cost-effective tools to prevent beaver-related flooding and road damage and also to protect these keystone species”, shares Linda Huebner, POW project lead. She adds, “Traditional methods of removing beavers usually involve shooting or using leghold or body gripping traps, both of which are unnecessary and temporary; good wetland habitat will host beavers – we can learn to live with them.”
Based in Grafton, VT, Beaver Deceivers™ is owned and operated by Skip Lisle, a wildlife biologist. “Ponds and wetlands created, shaped, or maintained by beavers are incredibly dynamic, rich habitats,” Lisle states on his website.
Marlboro Road Foreman, David Elliot, supports the project, “We are used to just trapping the beavers but they always come back. This is going to be a more efficient and inexpensive way to avoid the problems.”
For more information on Beaver Deceivers™ go to To learn more about nonlethal methods of addressing human-wildlife conflicts, or to get involved in protecting Vermont’s wildlife, go to

Device installed on Grant Rd, Marlboro, VT
Photo Credit: Skip Lisle

Beaver checking out the newly installed device .
Photo Credit: Skip Lisle

Beaver safe from trapping
Photo Credit: Skip Lisle